Deyna's VidGaming (Veggieeater)
One of the things I'm grateful for for Byrd was that I got to enjoy the multi-cultural crowd. It wasn't an all whites or blacks, but mixed. I didn't have an issue with bullying nor did I hear much about it. Teachers were amazing here. There was only one incident with a geometry teacher name Mr. Jones. He had a cocky arrogant nature about himself, and if I remember correctly, he served in the air force. One day, I submitted my homework in the tray right next to the door. Mr. Jones was standing in the doorway watching over the halls. I was already struggling alot in that class and that class was the only class that threatened my graduation. Well, I had felt really good about myself to be the first to submit my homework in the tray. I went back to the tray to find that it was gone. I alerted Mr. Jones but he shrugged it off, saying that somebody must have taken it to copy my work. If that's the case, shouldn't a teacher be concerned enough to find out who took it!? My work was done in pencil, so someone could have easily erased my name. My homework was never found, and Mr Jones either didn't believe me or didn't care. I ended up having to do it again, and turned it in the next day with points marked off for it being 'late'. Had I earned all my points, I would have made a decent grade on the homework, but it came out to either a low C or D. I remember so heartbroken that day.
There were a wide selection of clubs to choose from such as basic self defense or NASA. The school really pushed to get students invovled in clubs and extra curricular activities. When I joined NASA I was excited. One night we had met in the library and just talked about the universe. When were going to go on a trip somewhere where we could look at the stars with less light pollution and with telescopes set up. I brought my huge suitcase first thing to one of the teachers that morning. She had a look on her face that expressed trouble. She took me to somebody else because she didn't have the heart to tell the trip was cancelled. I was soooooooo upset that day, and I never bothered much with NASA after that again.
Their library is amazing. I've read so many books from this library, and the books were not like boring textbook material, but there were really some nice teenage-based books in there. It was a nice stress-reliever to be able to read during class after done with work or before going to bed. And the library was always so cozy, never too hot or cold.
Their lunch room is on the ground level. I remember kids used to run each other down trying to be first in line. Good grief. Lunch was also delicious